Now what?

For those of you that follow Anglican matters, you’ll be aware that the CoE synod followed up the same sex blessings vote in February this year with a subsequent vote in November to begin implementation.

So what to make of all this?

Firstly, to me this is the red line. The place where I cannot in conscience remain. The church was hopelessly compromised before, it has now made its slide into heresy official.

I’ve written on this before – recently here, here and here. Where we are now is no surprise.

What I have found surprising, and saddening, is the alacrity by which many CoE evangelicals have nailed their colours to the ‘staying’ mast. I expected some, maybe many, to go that way. But what I’ve seen, at least so far, amongst the leadership is disheartening to me.

I read the response of the CEEC and wonder, what is the most important thing here, to contend for orthodoxy, or to remain in the Church of England? Both, I would imagine they would say, though it seems to me that will soon become untenable. One of the two will give way.

Now it seems as if the CoE Bishops are going to offer a more formal vote on Same Sex blessings in 2025. To which I respond: they’re not stupid are they? There was an insightful article written recently here. The byline should really have been The process IS the outcome. And, with a process that led to a defeat by only one vote, dangling another vote someway down the road is a little like Lucy setting down Charlie Brown’s football yet again knowing Charlie is just not going to be able to resist. Let’s keep contending just a little bit longer, just a little bit, one more push. We’re almost there.

As if a vote, even a successful vote, would make any difference at all…

For the division must occur; we are heading in different directions. Focusing on canons, on legal interpretations, on votes – is to miss the point.

What has become clearer to me is the raw power of the institution itself in English Anglican minds of whatever theological persuasion. Now, I’ve got no problem with an institution per se, but I do when it starts to look more than a bit like an idol. I’m familiar with this from my Canadian Anglican experience, but the Anglican Church of Canada is like a small bronze household god compared with the full blown golden calf that the Church of England seems to represent in the minds of many!

One other big difference I’ve seen between the English and Canadian Anglican Church is the CoE is much more parochial with respect to the wider Anglican Communion. In Canada the relationship with the wider Communion was important, in England far as I have seen it is a second order issue at best. I wonder now whether idolatry may play a part in that. After all, what do we have to learn from second class Anglicans?

This leaves me feeling a bit like an orphan. Many of the folks I’ve been walking alongside, assuring me that this was their red line too, appear to be a little less committed to that now it is real.. And that’s those who know what’s going on. So many others appear unaware of the earthquake detonating under our church. They’re just getting on with the day to day business of church. Some days I wish I could join them. The last thing I want to be doing is figuring out how to respond to this.

But yet, to stay is to remain in an an apostate institution that will slowly spiritually poison us. The word I was given in 2004 – Ichabod – still holds true. And here’s where the real story is different. Because God is doing a new thing. He is raising up His Church from the same ground occupied by the dying branch of the Church of England. The institution is now separated from the Vine, and can only wither. It’s not the place to be.

God will Build His Church for the times to come – and we can be part of that – or not. I know where I stand, and if leaving-to-remain-standing is the price to pay, however painful, I will pay it.

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4 Responses to Now what?

  1. Déjà vu. Is joining the AMiE an option?


  2. conniston33 says:

    Have you decided to formally leave the CoE Peter?


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