The board is set, the pieces are moving…

We come to it at last….

Chess 2

Yes, I’m being enigmatic. This post has been sitting in my drafts for a couple of months. I haven’t quite known whether to post it or not, as an intuition that I cannot put into words doesn’t necessarily make a good post.

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9 Responses to The board is set, the pieces are moving…

  1. Pauline Bettney says:

    Peter – in relation to what? The Anglican Church, the world, the economic crisis, this endless winter? Sorry – I don’t understand.


  2. Peter says:

    Well, that’s OK. I did say I was being enigmatic. Understanding is not necessarily required on this post, particularly as the author isn’t sure he understands either. Put it down to ‘Just one of THOSE posts’, if you like.


  3. faithwalk says:

    Peter, I do understand this and have used this very same expression many times…
    as well as The stage is set and the show is about to begin. It seems nearer every day.

    As the Lord wills, according to His perfect plan and purpose.

    Blessings to you,



  4. Warren says:

    But I’m not sure that the person who set up the board in the picture knows anything about chess. White has both bishops on a white square, and several of the other pieces are in bizarre positions. What does this mean?


  5. Steve L. says:

    Thats an ACoC chessboard, they have different rules


  6. Peter says:

    Yes, they are Anglican bishops 😉


  7. Peter says:

    Susan, I thought you might understand 🙂 Even if I don’t!

    I’ll pop over to faithwalk soon, promise, this week has been, hmm, well…..


  8. BabyBlue says:

    Good timing.



  9. timbob says:

    Greetings. A short work the Lord is doing upon the earth.

    Have a blessed week in Jesus.



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