They did what?

In yet another example of egregious bad judgement, it appears that the Anglican Church of Canada is pleased to have me as Assistant Rectors Warden at our local church.

This is how it goes, of course. You start with a little heresy here, a dash of heterodoxy there and very soon you find yourself placing bloggers in positions where they can cause trouble in real life, not just in virtual land.


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14 Responses to They did what?

  1. CH says:

    In a counter-example of excellent Anglican judgement, yours truly (a blogger) was allowed to “retire” a week ago from the position of Senior Warden.

    It might not last…


  2. Peter says:

    Perhaps all is not yet lost 😉


  3. Peter, I’ll pray for you and I hope you’ll pray for me. In which church are the Assistant Rector’s Warden, if you don’t mind my asking?

    So, what does the Assistant Rector’s Warden do, anyway? Stand in when the real warden is ill? 🙂

    May our Lord bless and guide you in your new responsibilities.


  4. Diana says:

    I wondered what your responsibilities are too. Is is an organising, supporting role or is it guarding the Faith of the congregation?
    Just be vigilant whatever it is!
    God bless you.


  5. BJ says:

    Hello, I’m BJ I just stopped by to view your site and say God Bless You.

    Here are my sites.


  6. Peter says:

    Absolutely Scott, we bloggers have to stick together if this evil conspiracy is to bear fruit 🙂 The church is this one:

    What am I doing? Well, we will see – a lot of the up front duties are about being part of vestry (the churches leadership team) and corporation (a subset of that). Stuff will arise from that, and yes, I am the rectors wardens stand-in too. This year in particular will be a lot about the vision and direction of the church, i.e. where being opinionated will help 😉


  7. faithwalk says:

    I am cracking up reading this, laughing, in case this isn’t a UK expression 🙂
    how much higher are the Lords ways than ours!

    I will be praying for you Peter, as I already am, but even more so! May your opinions always be a reflection of our Lord Jesus Christ and may you have the freedom to faithfully, boldly, yet wisely share what He tells you to.

    It will be fun watching what the Lord does through you in this position. I do hope you will keep us posted!

    Every blessing to you! I knew God had a sense of humor, but this confirms it. 😉



  8. Peter says:

    Lol, thanks Susan 🙂


  9. mcalmond says:

    Peter, should I be happy for you, celebrating and enthusiastically rejoicing in your good fortune and providential blessing or should I be concerned, deeply troubled and petitioning the Lord for divine intervention, and earnestly beginning a deep and long fast, of some kind, for you? Just wondering 🙂

    Congratulations and all the best, in Christ Jesus. May his spirit, heart and mind be manifest in and through yours, in all you say and bring forth.

    Blessings in Christ Jesus Peter!


  10. joseph says:

    well, there goes the neighbourhood!

    prayers & blessings


  11. Peter says:

    Phil, ah, perhaps both 😉


  12. Peter says:

    Joseph – yup, what can you do, eh?


  13. Pingback: CaNN :: We started it.

  14. Pingback: More regrettable news « The Age To Come

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