
This week I received the kind of dream I’ve learned to take notice of.

I was in my office, and I looked outside, to see a storm on the horizon. Dark clouds descending to the surface, resembling a squall line. Quickly I perceived it was travelling fast in my direction, there was not much time to do anything other that to shelter in place and give myself to God. I don’t remember much about the passing, other than it was violent and mercifully limited in duration.

After it had passed, I went out to see that so much had been swept away. Walls down, sheds gone. Most houses I think remained with limited damage.

Anybody that’s read what I’ve posted over the years would be familiar with the theme. Back in 2006, I posted

It is the twilight of the current age, and we bask in its fading gleams.  Much that can be shaken, soon will be.

I am convinced we will see wave after wave, shaking the edifices in which we trust, till only that which cannot be shaken remains.

The line on the horizon is here, and we are warned yet again. To which I can only reiterate:

My Church, you are going to Prepare one way or the other. Either you will Prepare to endure the coming storm, or you will Prepare to surrender. There will be no middle way. All will come to the decision point – to walk the path I trod, or to turn away.

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3 Responses to Stormfront

  1. Sounds about right.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. D. Cave says:

    Recently humanity seems to be exacerbating the storm. The focus is away from the Lord.

    Liked by 1 person

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