Alone God Sufficeth

Like many others in the Anglican blogosphere, I’m following the primates meeting in Tanzania with keen interest. Course, the lack of news appears to be driving everybody slightly crazy, and News Famine Syndrome appears to be setting in. That is to say, if you do not know – speculate and interpret intensely and at great length.

Don’t get me wrong – this battle matters, it matters a lot. This is a battle worth fighting. Will we win? I do not know. What I do know is that we have not been called to win, but to stand. There’s no defeatism in that, simply an acknowledgement that the battle is not ultimately ours, but the Lords.

And He can always do so much more than we can ever ask or imagine.

Let nothing disturb thee,
Nothing affright thee.
All things are passing
God never changeth.

Patient endurance
Attaineth to all things;
Who God possesseth
In nothing is wanting.
Alone God sufficeth.

~St Teresa of Avila

Sunrise 2

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9 Responses to Alone God Sufficeth

  1. white rabbit says:

    What battle? Who cares what the CEO thinks, says or does. Men can’t have babies and that principle stands for all the silliness coming down from upstairs. I go to church to worship God not the aging hippies that currently rule. I worked my way through university ( so I can read and having a bible I can make up my own mind) as a janitor. Every time a new manager took over a department we jannies had to move the furniture so the top dog could show his power. Eventually as the managers came and went the furniture ended up where it began. And it will be the same with the church. Eventually this lot of sad wanna be revolutionaries will die off and the church will go on.


  2. faithwalk says:

    Stand, and when you have done all you know to do, stand.
    Sometimes that is all we are asked to do, sometimes more, all in all it’s all about trust and obedience; remaining faithful to whatever you are called to, which in your case right now is to be a watchman on the wall.

    May the Lord bless you Peter, and thank you again. You’re a very good nut! 😉


  3. faithwalk says:

    Oh, the picture is gorgeous! Is it one of your own?


  4. mcalmond says:

    Peter, I was tempted to not say anything about the comments above and just ignore them, since this is not my blog site, but I cannot or won’t.

    May our attitudes not reflect that of the white rabbit, but more and more of He who is our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, in his Spirit and Truth!

    This isn’t about CEO’s and “aging hippies” or “wantabee revolutionaries”. It is about righteousness, holiness, the Word of God, and the Body of Christ, the people of God in the earth. There is so much more here at stake than what it seems you are seeing and I am sorry that it would seem you and a who lot of others, do not realize this.

    We should be grieved at this and deeply convicted that we, regardless of our theological persuasion, have allowed the Church across the board become so deeply impacted by the unrighteousness of our society and world. This isn’t just about the Anglicans, the Lutherans, the Presbyterians, Baptists, etc. This is about who we are now and who we are going to be, as the professing Body of Christ in the Earth. Will we return to the Ancient Paths of Truth, Holiness and Righteousness or will we go on to become some thing else and lifeless?

    This situation will in one degree or another impact us all, who claim the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord. Mark my words, we all will be impacted by this and in time this impact will become more and more direct, apart from genuine repentance and revitalization in and through Christ Jesus! Lord Jesus, have mercy on us all. Forgive us for being so narrow and self centered in our understanding and insight that we cannot see what is going on in the world and in the professing Body of Christ Jesus world wide. Lord Jesus, have mercy on us all!

    Blessings in Christ Jesus!


  5. Pauline Bettney says:

    Peter, I think God just won this battle.


  6. Peter says:

    Hi Phil, by all means comment on the comments, that what they are for 🙂 And for the record, I agree with you.

    There are two things in tension here. Firstly, God is indeed in charge, and His plan will be worked out one way or another. The gates of hell will never prevail against the Church. At the same time, that’s not cause for us to engage in a fatalistic attitude. Think about Queen Esther and what she was told. If you remain silent now salvation for the Jews will arise from another source, but as for her and her family…well…

    If we’re called into the battle, then we’d better be obedient and go.


  7. Peter says:

    Susan, that picture, well, google images can be useful 🙂 Not one of mine I am afraid.


  8. Peter says:

    Hi Pauline – yes I think so praise the Lord. I will post more soon…


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