
I had a vivid dream back in February that I’ve been holding on to – not knowing what, if anything, I should do with it. I’m posting it today in the attempt to be obedient, and pass on to you what I saw.

I was in the high Arctic, in a small town. There was a central facility with a team gathered there, who fed and helped us. I left the place, to gather other people to this place, but as we approached it again a large wave crashed into the facility, drowning / freezing those who were there. What we were left with was small hovels, huddling to keep warm. Immediately after, I had the sense of the grief of the Lord – so much raw passion. Then, subsequently, it was as if I saw huge waves crashing onto the coastlines of the earth. So much of what was of value to people was ruined. Many, many deaths.

I’m not going to sugarcoat this one, or try to explain what it might mean. Let the reader discern in His name – and any feedback is welcome.



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10 Responses to Judgment

  1. The Lord said to me, a while back, “There are things coming which you know nothing about.”

    I had been pondering the plight which is about to break out on the world. The current things in play are worrisome, but only in that they are like approaching storm clouds.

    There is a constant concern within me about what is happening lately. I don’t mean that my faith is shaken. Rather these things strengthen me to serve all the more. But what is about to be unleashed among men will be horrific. I can smell it in the air, the stench of death and blood. I can feel my bones ache from the change hapening. I know, with no doubt left, that the days promised to the wicked are unfolding at a sure and definate pace. And this time, it will not be stopped by the prayers of His people. We are watching God set up the very end of wickedness.

    When I look at how utterly foolish the leadership of the world has become there can be only one understanding; God has removed His hand of protection and allowed man to chase after the desires of his heart. It is not “soon” as men count soon. But God is allowing man to amass that army which will come against Him.

    I am sure of this, No General goes into battle with a rag tag bunch of missfits. He prunes them until he has the men loyal to the death in his ranks. There is a pruning which will begin soon.

    There is horror in this “place of testing” to unfold. Then there is more horror as they stand before the One they have said does not exist or care about their wickedness. Woe to all who continue in ungodly ways!


  2. timbob says:

    Hi Peter. It’s great to hear from you. Russ Dizdar once made a statement that sums up the whole. “All events are leading toward the fulfilment of Revelation 19:19. (Which of couse is followed by the event in Revelation 19:20. Woo Hoo!) Before us is a time which Jesus described as being more horrific than any other season in history. a time in which, except those days be shortened, there woujld be no flesh left alive. We must have our affecions on things above and be looking steadfastly unto Jesus if we are to weather the coming storm.

    Last Tuesday, I had a dream wherein we were under occuppation by an unidentifiable foreign army. The details are on my blog. It was not only a taste of what is to come and what to prepare for, it was an important reminder to be about the Fathers business while there is still time. Thanks for telling about the dream. Thanks also, highwaychristian, for offering your insights in the above comment.

    Blessings to all in Jesus name.


  3. Thanks to the Living God that He has set apart a number for Himself in this day of wickedness. He has not left us unaware of His plans. And I am amazed and reassured to see that there are men who live with understanding today, even as we read about others from documents left us. All this is to the Glory of He who IS.

    May all who desire life find life. And may all who desire to remain blind, indeed remain blind. His Kingdom moves forward regardless the taunting of wicked men. Wisdom continues to cry out loudly in the streets. And humble hearts hear, respond, and receive mercy. But the proud will be locked forever in their pride. He does not desire the death of any. But has warned, since the day of Enoch the seventh from Adam, that the Lord is coming to judge all ungodliness. His approach is heard by His people. And the world does not perceive it.

    Father in Heaven, Glorious God of Life, grant us that we might walk with a sure step in this darkness. Cut the black night of sin around us that we might serve You with that glorious freedom You promise. May we stand with a confidence born from the Love you shower on Your people. We have cowered enough, as a people! Open our mouths, free our hands, cause us to do that beauty which is “The Way”. And glorify Yourself in Your people. You will rise soon to confront Your enemies. And You will redeem Your people with power and majesty. A footstool is to be built.

    Even so, Lord Jesus, come.

    By His Grace.


  4. Peter says:

    Thank you guys, your comments are much appreciated. I was undecided whether to post a prophetic word that seemed so negative in nature. However, as a warning, it stands.




    • Peter, I see that you are bent to encourage. And it is a good thing to be bent in that direction. Much like a tree along the pacific coast is bent by the wind. But we are also called to testify for the sake of those who have no concept of the Holy God they will soon face. For their sake we know that there is no shame in warning. I for one, cannot say that such warnings should be rendered softly. They hate the truth in love, why not propose the truths that might spur them toward the Lord?

      I appreciate your testimony. You have my respect as a brother who has known the things of the Lord. May He continue to encourage you with truths evident. And may He strengthen you to speak with that certain boldness born of the confidence He has given you.

      Even now the Lord moves among the people of this world and they do not perceive it. Let us warn with all speed. The time is very very short.


      • Peter says:

        Thanks hiwaychristian. It is just that I have seen words sometimes used as weapons. I believe the God intends to bless, if we would only receive. But men’s hearts are hard, and God also has a door of justice. Kyrie Eleison.


  5. ben says:

    Friends, i’m quite aware of the coming judgement but i need your prayers to be completely free from the enslavement to porn.


    • Ben, I know the horror you are living. But more than that, I know the release into freedom. If I were still in bondage to that sin I could say nothing to you. Being released and free of that slavery I can speak to you with confidence. However, this is not the place for such a conversation. If you will but email me I will tell you what I have learned from the Lord regarding this horror among men. I will tell you this in all truth: There is a place of release for every sin that envelopes God’s people in Jesus.

      Take heart, my brother. He has seen your plight and has a remedy enroute. By the name of our Lord Jesus you will be released. Only believe and be patient. Settle your heart to see His Holy Hand move in your life. One day we ask. One day we are freed. And who can testify that they saw the power of God come upon them? Yet we testify that He is able and willing to release us, cleanse us, and present us to His Holy Father washed and complete. Blessed are those who overcome, not by the power of man, but the blood of the Lamb of God.

      ( buttermilk80@gmail.com )


    • Peter says:

      We will pray – there is nothing that can tempt a man that Jesus has not experienced and overcome. So He identifies and strengthens us in all our weaknesses. Nothing is outside His saving hand, and everything can be redeemed.


  6. Pingback: The Storm | The Age To Come

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