The world is changing…

I guess I am following what now appears to be a well-worn trail when I say that it is time to take a little pause in the world of blogging. The reasons are numerous and not entirely clear yet to me.

Certainly I feel the need for some time to recharge the spiritual batteries. The intent of this blog has always been twofold – to glorify God and build up His Church; as much as it is given to me to so do. Right now, it feels that all that can be said, has been. My heart has been to call the Church to prepare, to be ready, to be found in the only place that will stand firm, that is Jesus Christ. I hope I have played a small part in doing that.

I sense the seasons are changing, and time for new things comes to pass. I wonder, does the time of warning and exhortation now slip into a time for us to enter into what the Lord has prepared for His Church; the arks if you will, for the times to come? Well, I do not yet know, certainly this is something I want to reflect on more fully.

How does it go? “The world is changing. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air.”

I shall be back, God willing, but it seems time, at least for a season (short, or long, I do not know) to lay down the keyboard, and to seek Him first and hear His heart.

Gods richest blessings be upon you!

UPDATE: A little clarification for you. I’m not planning at this moment to give up blogging entirely, but rather take a timeout. My current thought is that I’ll take August off and then may rejoin the fray come September.

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21 Responses to The world is changing…

  1. Pauline Bettney says:

    As they say in the North of England – “Ta ta for now then”


  2. Pauline Bettney says:

    Well Peter, I guess things are moving. Just watched Bishop Harvey at the ACN meeting and they are preparing to move in the next 2-3 months – ordinations and confirmations. Just thought you would like to know. Goodbye again.


  3. joseph says:

    Now Peter, if you are going to stop blogging, that means we will have to arrange a get together in person from time to time!.


  4. Peter says:

    Hi Pauline – ta ta for now, indeed πŸ™‚

    Joeseph – hopefully not stopping, but I’m sure we can find a place closer than Winterpeg to meet up!




  5. Peter, Have a good rest. I do hope you’ll be back in action in Sept.

    I may be able to visit Calgary in about a month. If so, I shall look you up. (Forewarned is forearmed, as one of my teachers used to say.)



  6. Peter says:

    I’ll be alterting the police, setting up tank traps, barricading the buildings etc etc πŸ™‚

    Let me know if you’re coming for certain and I’ll send you an email…..


  7. Peter says:

    BTW, I’ll still be posting stuff in the AEC blog as and when – indeed after todays events I think those in the Essentials movement have some very clear thinking to do…..


  8. MattJP says:

    Peter, I will miss your posts. Out of everything I read in the blogosphere, your place is unique. I also think things are changing in the world. By the way, maybe you should check out a book called “The New Mystics” by Crowder. He’s a pretty hardcore Charismatic and I’m not completely comfortable with everything he says but I think there is a lot of prophetic wisdom in the book. I have certainly been blessed by it.


  9. joseph says:

    Peter, maybe you could set up a retreat center for bloggers…


  10. faithwalk says:

    Peter, just as I return you leave… 😦

    Things have been a bit up and down here as we seek the Lord, desperately needing a breakthrough, yet ever trusting Him to make a way. Email us with an update and I’ll do the same, ok?
    Have a blessed rest from the keyboard; I doubt I’ll do a lot until the Fall and who knows what the world will be like then. For of a certainty the world is changing, I do feel it in the air…
    The Spirit is moving; if we will only sit quietly and listen we will hear His voice in the wind.

    Jesus grace and blessings to you,



  11. Peter says:

    This is Peter’s wife here……………………hmm, a retreat centre for bloggers………now, there’s a thought…… this space πŸ™‚


  12. Peter says:

    Peters wife has a name – Ruthy πŸ™‚

    Matt, I shall be back, God willing, but a bit of downtime first. Glad you find the posts helpful!

    Susan, I’m not really gone – but like as you say I do desperately need to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, and blogging – bessings be upon it – sometimes gets in the way – hence the downtime. I’ll try to ermail soon – God bless you and yours at this transition point.




  13. faithwalk says:

    Peter and Ruthy, you and your precious family are in both of our prayers! May the will of the Lord be done in all of our lives for His honor and glory.

    Be blessed and refreshed in the rest and seeking. May your spiritual sight be keen, your hearing likewise, and may all you need for the next step forward be yours in Christ Jesus!

    Every blessing to you,



  14. code6 says:

    tee hee! i just blogged for the first time in almost two months. take care. πŸ™‚


  15. Peter says:

    That’s good – but where is your blog?


  16. code6 says:

    my blog is


  17. Hi Peter,

    As I previously warned you, my wife Judy and I are visiting Calgary. D.V., we will arrive on the evening of Wed, 29 Aug, and depart the following Wed. Please send me an e-mail. (I’d send one to you, but I don’t have your address.)



  18. timbob says:

    Greetings. Just stopping by. I will keep you all in prayer as a new season is definately upon us. One in which being close to the Lord is imperative.

    Have a blessed day in Christ.



  19. rjperalta says:

    Oh good, it’s almost September.

    Grace to you all,


  20. Peter says:

    Almost πŸ™‚


  21. faithwalk says:

    hm… only three minutes and counting, all though in Calgary it’s already September first! So… where’s the post? πŸ˜‰
    and guess who is waiting? πŸ™‚

    Been thinking about you and Ruthy a lot, and praying all is well. Guess it’s time for an email to catch up! The Lord has been amazingly good and things around here are much better in so many ways.

    Blessings to you Peter! I look forward to hearing what the lord is saying to you…



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